What PCI DSS 4.0 means for pen testers | SC Media

The next version of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard goes into effect over the next 18 months. Because the new standard requires more documentation about methodology and means, penetration testers may find themselves under greater scrutiny from the organizations that hire them. On the positive side, the updated standard may mean better business … Read more

50 World’s Best Penetration Testing Companies – 2023

Penetration testing, sometimes known as pen testing, simulates a cyber assault on a computer system or network to detect vulnerabilities and potential security issues. Penetration testing companies aim to evaluate the effectiveness of an organization’s security measures and to identify areas where security can be improved. A trained security professional, known as a penetration tester … Read more

FedRAMP Solicits External Feedback for Proposed Updates to IT System Penetration Testing Guide

The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program launched a request for comment on a draft guide on the requirements for conducting and reporting on FedRAMP penetration tests. The guidance aims to enhance aid to organizations dealing with potential vulnerabilities in their IT infrastructure, FedRAMP announced Monday. Depending on public feedback, the updated FedRAMP Penetration Test … Read more

Penetration testing in 2024 | SC Media

Testing the security of computer networks by trying to break into them, otherwise known as penetration testing, has been going on for nearly 50 years. Most of the pen-testing techniques developed in the past few decades still work, but the scope of what’s tested has broadened, with cloud systems and embedded devices now routinely targeted. … Read more

What is Penetration Testing: A comprehensive business guide – Security Boulevard

Home » Security Bloggers Network » What is Penetration Testing: A comprehensive business guide Penetration testing, or pen testing for short, is a critical way to protect IT systems and sensitive data from malicious activity proactively. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how this technique works, business benefits, its types, methodologies, costs, and everything … Read more